The Top 10 Reasons Why Hospitals Need Security Guards

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To combat the increasing threat of terrorism, hospitals need to be on high alert. The number of attacks against health care facilities have increased in recent years.

The following are the top 10 reasons why hospitals need security guards:

1) Hospitals are a frequent target for terrorist attacks

2) Security guards can provide security for staff and patients

3) Security guards can prevent crime and theft in hospitals

4) Security guards can prevent violence in hospitals

5) Security guards can detect suspicious behavior and stop it before it gets out of hand

6) Security guards can monitor visitors and ensure their safety

7) Security guards can deter criminal activity outside of the hospital premises

8) Security guards are able to maintain order during emergencies such as fires, earthquakes, or other natural disasters

9-10) The presence of security personnel helps lower patient mortality rates

What are the Top 10 Reasons to Add Security Guards at Hospitals?

Hospitals need security guards with latest guns and 9mm ammo to protect their patients and staff members. Hospitals are often the target of violent crimes and the guards are there to stop them before they happen.

The following are some of the top 10 reasons why hospitals should hire security guards:

  1. Reduce crime in hospitals – Hospitals can be a target for criminals due to their high-profile nature, high-dollar value, and easy access. Security personnel at hospitals can reduce crime by deterring potential criminals from entering facilities, reducing the number of weapons on site, and monitoring suspicious activity.
  2. Reduce hospital-related injuries – Security guards at hospitals can reduce injuries from crimes by monitoring areas where people congregate such as waiting rooms, elevators, and patient rooms for suspicious activity that may lead to violence or injury.
  3. Protect staff members – Security personnel at hospitals can also protect staff members from potential violence or injury by ensuring that they have a safe working environment in which they feel safe reporting.

The Increase in Violent Crime

Crime is an issue that is continuously growing in the United States. The increase in violent crime has been on the rise since 2008. In 2014, there were over 2.1 million violent crimes committed in America, and there are no signs of slowing down.

In the past decade, the number of reported violent crimes has increased by more than 60%. This increase can be attributed to many factors such as an aging population and a lack of resources for law enforcement agencies to combat these crimes.

The crime rate is always one of society’s primary concerns, especially because it affects everyone in some way – from victims to offenders.

Drug Trafficking and Illegal Behavior

Drug trafficking and illegal behavior are two of the biggest global problems. The drug trade is estimated to be worth $320 billion annually, while illegal activities generate $2 trillion in annual revenue.

The world has seen a dramatic increase in the number of people consuming drugs as well as the amount of drug-related deaths since 1980. This is largely due to the growth in demand for illicit substances, which has been fueled by economic and social changes. The number of people who use drugs today is estimated at around 3.5 billion, with an additional 2 billion people who use licit substances like alcohol and tobacco.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) estimates that 80% of all illicit drugs come from just 10 countries: Afghanistan, Colombia, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa and Thailand.

In response to these trends in drug use and trafficking/illegal activities worldwide there has been an increasing interest among.

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