Signs, Symptoms, Cause, And treatment for typical hair fall
Hair loss becomes most common among men and women. It is initially a temporary problem, if it is not treated initially, it will become a permanent problem in the future. The treatment for hair fall is needed for hair loss or to restore growth.
Signs and symptoms of hair loss
Hair loss called alopecia affects the scalp and then the entire body. Every day every single person losses close to 50 to 100 hairs in a day. The main cause of hair loss occurs due to diet, hormonal change, hereditary, and aging factors. It gradually affects the scalp and later the whole body.
Sudden loosening of hair
An emotional attack or shock causes loosen the hair. Mental stress, pressure, and tension are the basic cause of the sudden loosening of hair. This type of hair loss can be viewed while washing or combing the hair. You could see a handful of hair while doing some action on the head.
Thinning on top of the head
It is the most common problem for all age people. For men, the hair recedes on the forehead while for women it is the broadening part of their hair. This is called frontal fibrosing alopecia in medical terms.
Patchy bald heads
You could see more people move with some circular or patchy baldness on the scalp, beard, and eyebrows. This is also a sign of severe hair fall. These cases need to be treated immediately to avoid future loss.
To prevent hair fall, hair growth treatment is highly recommended for the immediate recovery and re-growth of hair. Talk with your physician about the cause of hair fall, and its best treatment options.
Causes of hair fall
Several factors can cause hair fall, some of them include, family history, age factors, water problems, significant weight loss, poor nutrition, mental stress, hormonal change, hereditary problem, and certain medical conditions like diabetes, cancer treatment, lupus, and a sleepless night.
Prevention Methods
Some other tips that help in the prevention of hair loss include:
Most baldness and hair fall occurs due to genetics, hormonal change, and a sleepless night.
Try to handle the problems without stress and take complete 8 hours of sleep helps in the restoration of hair fall.
Be gentle with hair wash. Avoid using oil treatment massage, curling irons, harsh treatments, using chemical oils, dandruff shampoos, usage of hair color dyes, etc. Natural hair wash and organic shampoo save the head and hair for a long duration.
Avoid smoking and drinking. The intake of alcohol leads to a severe loss of hair.
Protect the hair from sunlight and ultraviolet lights. Frequently never change the shampoo and conditioner, as it causes severe damage to the hair.
When to see a doctor
Persons who are in distress or experiencing a receding hairline must consult the doctor for immediate care. This consultation helps to prevent permanent baldness on the head. The doctor checks the condition of the hair fall and suggests medical treatment. The doctor advised them to take a blood test for hair loss cause and suggest the best medical treatment for hair fall.